Our Programs
The Toddler Montessori curriculum helps develop gross motor skills, verbal skills, social awareness, care of self and care of the environment.
In the Primary Montessori Program, learning takes place through the senses using concrete manipulatives, a precursor to the abstract understanding of new concepts.
It is true we cannot make a genius…We can only give each individual the chance to fulfill his potential in becoming an independent, secure and balanced human being.
-Dr. Maria Montessori
Our Approach
Focus on helping children become self-directed individuals who make a difference in their families, their communities, and the world.
We believe that each child is born to be a learner and that the full potential of each child can be achieved through the Montessori Environment.
The work in our classrooms is all hands-on, concrete materials. The work is kept on the shelves so the children can access it easily and return it when completed.