In 1896, Dr. Maria Montessori became the first woman to receive a medical degree in Italy. She worked in the fields of psychiatry, education, and anthropology. She was an acute observer of children. Beginning with the “Casa de Bambini” in 1907, her understanding of the classroom, the materials, and training of teachers has greatly impacted the world. Montessori is usually linked to children between the ages of 3 and 6 years old but, in fact, the method covers the entire development from birth through young adulthood. Many concepts in our education system are directly taken from her “method.”
Hours of Operation
6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
In Case of Emergency
Champions Montessori is prepared for any emergency that may arise. Our staff and children routinely practice safety drills for smoke and fire, harmful vapors or gas, imminent severe weather, and lockdown.
Depending on the emergency situation, children are directed to their designated safe location.
In the event of an inclement weather closing, CMS, in general, follows Klein ISD directives. If Klein ISD has an early dismissal, delayed opening or school is canceled, CMS will make the decision that is best for our students, families, and staff.
Simple, washable clothes are the recommended attire. Please be mindful that the School has many activities that include paints, oils, and solutions that stain clothes. Sneakers or other rubber-soled shoes are recommended. Flip-flops, high heels, or clogs are strongly discouraged. Please label clothing with your child’s name to avoid confusion. Remember: FUNCTION over FASHION!
In the event a child becomes ill at school, parents are contacted immediately and arrangements are made for the child to be picked up. Children that are contagious, have a fever, diarrhea or vomiting may not return to school until they are symptom-free for 24 hrs. without medication.
All medication (prescription, over-the-counter, natural or homeopathic) must be brought and kept in the office. All medication must be signed in on the medication authorization form with date, name, the name of the medication, dosage, time to be administered and parent’s signature. One person is responsible for administering the medicine.
Lunch & Snacks
Please help your child pack a well-balanced nutritional meal, excluding candy or other highly processed or sugared foods. Mark your child’s name clearly on lunch boxes and containers. Involve your child in the lunch preparation process as they eat better when they have been included in its preparation!
Release of Child to Others
No child will be allowed to leave the school with someone other than the adult(s) authorized by parents. Please call the school office or send written permission if another adult will pick up your child, and please let the authorized person know to bring a photo ID that will be checked before the child is released.
We Will Get Right Back With You!